Explore UT - Spring
Girl Day - Spring
Girl Day is coming up on February 20th from 12 pm - 4 pm and we need volunteers willing to introduce members of the community to petroleum engineering. Our activity will be quick and easy to demonstrate, but we will also give an example explanation to prepare you. Please fill out the form below to sign up and I hope to see you on the 20th!
Date: February 20th, 2021
Time: 12-4 pm (if you can only volunteer for an hour or two please mention it under "other" on the sign-up form)
Location: Brazen (text and video chats)
Activity: What's a Waterflood? - Perform a waterflood and explain how petroleum engineers get oil out of the ground to power the world.
Supplies: Marbles or rocks, clear cup, oil, water
Sign-up link: https://forms.gle/7eS69BBxTffiDDjy9